Steve Hannah
2016-03-02 00:05:04 UTC
I'm trying to make some changes to the JDK java.lang.Throwable class. I
have followed the trail to the map.xml file that seems to provide drop-in
replacements for some classes but using XML syntax. What I'm trying to do
is remove the static initializer (cinit), and perform this initialization
Essentially, I'm just adding a static boolean INITIALIZED field, then
created a static method named __clinit() which I call at the beginning of
each method.
Unfortunately, I seem to have done something wrong here as, when I build, I
now get this error:
[exec] fatal error IKVMC5042: Type 'java.lang.Throwable' referenced in
remap file was not found
My Throwable class (defined in XML) is shown here:
The parts I added are:
<field name="INITIALIZED" sig="Z" modifiers="static" />
<method name="__clinit" sig="()V" modifiers="private static">
<attribute type="IKVM.Attributes.HideFromJavaAttribute"
sig="()V" />
<ldsfld class="java.lang.Throwable" name="INITIALIZED"
sig="Z" />
<brfalse name="notinitialized"/>
<label name="notinitialized"/>
<ldc_i4_1 />
<stsfld class="java.lang.Throwable" name="INITIALIZED"
sig="Z" />
<call type="IKVM.Internal.ExceptionHelper"
name="getPersistentFields" sig="()[;" />
<stsfld class="java.lang.Throwable"
name="serialPersistentFields" sig="[;" />
<ldc_i4_0 />
<newarr sig="Ljava.lang.StackTraceElement;" />
<stsfld class="java.lang.Throwable" name="UNASSIGNED_STACK"
sig="[Ljava.lang.StackTraceElement;" /> <ldc_i4_0 /> <newobj class="java.util.ArrayList" name="<init>"
sig="(I)V" />
<call class="java.util.Collections" name="unmodifiableList"
sig="(Ljava.util.List;)Ljava.util.List;" />
<stsfld class="java.lang.Throwable"
name="SUPPRESSED_SENTINEL" sig="Ljava.util.List;" />
<ret />
And I removed the <clinit> tag.
I also added calls to this __clinit() method at the beginning of each
method <body> in the class def.
Are there any obvious errors here?
Is there any way to get it to show a more descriptive error for map.xml
defined classes? Or is there a way to just generate the XML from Java
Any pointers appreciated.
Best regards
have followed the trail to the map.xml file that seems to provide drop-in
replacements for some classes but using XML syntax. What I'm trying to do
is remove the static initializer (cinit), and perform this initialization
Essentially, I'm just adding a static boolean INITIALIZED field, then
created a static method named __clinit() which I call at the beginning of
each method.
Unfortunately, I seem to have done something wrong here as, when I build, I
now get this error:
[exec] fatal error IKVMC5042: Type 'java.lang.Throwable' referenced in
remap file was not found
My Throwable class (defined in XML) is shown here:
The parts I added are:
<field name="INITIALIZED" sig="Z" modifiers="static" />
<method name="__clinit" sig="()V" modifiers="private static">
<attribute type="IKVM.Attributes.HideFromJavaAttribute"
sig="()V" />
<ldsfld class="java.lang.Throwable" name="INITIALIZED"
sig="Z" />
<brfalse name="notinitialized"/>
<label name="notinitialized"/>
<ldc_i4_1 />
<stsfld class="java.lang.Throwable" name="INITIALIZED"
sig="Z" />
<call type="IKVM.Internal.ExceptionHelper"
name="getPersistentFields" sig="()[;" />
<stsfld class="java.lang.Throwable"
name="serialPersistentFields" sig="[;" />
<ldc_i4_0 />
<newarr sig="Ljava.lang.StackTraceElement;" />
<stsfld class="java.lang.Throwable" name="UNASSIGNED_STACK"
sig="[Ljava.lang.StackTraceElement;" /> <ldc_i4_0 /> <newobj class="java.util.ArrayList" name="<init>"
sig="(I)V" />
<call class="java.util.Collections" name="unmodifiableList"
sig="(Ljava.util.List;)Ljava.util.List;" />
<stsfld class="java.lang.Throwable"
name="SUPPRESSED_SENTINEL" sig="Ljava.util.List;" />
<ret />
And I removed the <clinit> tag.
I also added calls to this __clinit() method at the beginning of each
method <body> in the class def.
Are there any obvious errors here?
Is there any way to get it to show a more descriptive error for map.xml
defined classes? Or is there a way to just generate the XML from Java
Any pointers appreciated.
Best regards
Steve Hannah
Web Lite Solutions Corp.
Steve Hannah
Web Lite Solutions Corp.