[Ikvm-developers] Wrong Central Directory Signature when running ikvmc
Paul Chambre
8 years ago
Hi folks,

I'm (very quickly) getting Wrong Central Directory Signature as a fatal
error when I try to process my jar file with ikvmc (7.2.4630.5). I suspect
that the cause is a corrupt, or non-ideal, jar or zip that's being included
in the outer jar when it's built by IntelliJ. The outer jar runs fine, and
can be opened by SevenZip.

Is there a way to find out what particular file is causing the error? The
jar is quite large (200MB), and it's a bit tedious to make partials
versions and attempt to process them to see which inclusion is causing the
failure... though that's the tack I'm taking at the moment. Extracting and
rebuilding the whole jar with SevenZip still results in the same error, so
I don't think it's the outer zip processing that's the problem.

Paul Chambre
8 years ago
Actually, this is looking like some sort of size limit. When I get the jar
below 110MB, it can be read. Any thoughts on this?
Paul Chambre

Senior Solutions Architect
(719) 465-6097

Illumon - Big Value From Big Data
Volker Berlin
8 years ago
Hi Paul,

* Does your jar file contains files with non ASCII file name?
* Do you have Zip64 file format?
* Can there some extra characters at end of the file? For example
through a download.

Take a look into the source code. This can help you to understand the

Paul Chambre
8 years ago
Thanks. I don't think so. Pretty much all our work is under US English

IntelliJ put a ton of un-needed stuff in the jar. I deleted a bunch of it
to get the jar to 126MB (I'm sure it can be trimmed more), and that got me
a result that ikvmc was OK with. Next thing I noticed was that I had an
older version of ikvm. After getting the newer version, I was able to make
a dll that recognized my packages and classes. I have another question,
now, but I'll drop that into a different thread.

The newer version still doesn't like the larger jar, though. It may be that
some of the included paths, in the content I deleted, was longer than 250

Paul Chambre

Senior Solutions Architect
(719) 465-6097

Illumon - Big Value From Big Data
Volker Berlin
8 years ago
Hi Paul,

The reading of jar and zip files is implemented in the external library
ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib. If you ask the folk of this project then you
can have more luck.
