Volker Berlin
2017-06-28 12:36:35 UTC
What is the class and message of the exception?
Hi , i convert a jar with ikwm, and i have no errors when the dll in
created, the jar in compiled with java sdk 1.6
But when i try to use the generated dll i have the follow error. What
could be your problem?
in IKVM.Internal.ClassLoaderWrapper.IsRemappedType(Type type)
in IKVM.NativeCode.ikvm.runtime.Util.GetTypeWrapperFromObject(Object o)
in IKVM.NativeCode.ikvm.runtime.Util.getClassFromObject(Object o)
in ikvm.runtime.Util.getClassFromObject(Object o)
in java.lang.Object.instancehelper_getClass(Object this)
in java.util.Arrays.copyOf(Object[] original, Int32 newLength)
in java.util.ArrayList.grow(Int32 )
in java.util.ArrayList.ensureExplicitCapacity(Int32 )
in java.util.ArrayList.ensureCapacityInternal(Int32 )
in java.util.ArrayList.add(Object e)
in CTManagers.addDevice(CTDeviceType deviceType)
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created, the jar in compiled with java sdk 1.6
But when i try to use the generated dll i have the follow error. What
could be your problem?
in IKVM.Internal.ClassLoaderWrapper.IsRemappedType(Type type)
in IKVM.NativeCode.ikvm.runtime.Util.GetTypeWrapperFromObject(Object o)
in IKVM.NativeCode.ikvm.runtime.Util.getClassFromObject(Object o)
in ikvm.runtime.Util.getClassFromObject(Object o)
in java.lang.Object.instancehelper_getClass(Object this)
in java.util.Arrays.copyOf(Object[] original, Int32 newLength)
in java.util.ArrayList.grow(Int32 )
in java.util.ArrayList.ensureExplicitCapacity(Int32 )
in java.util.ArrayList.ensureCapacityInternal(Int32 )
in java.util.ArrayList.add(Object e)
in CTManagers.addDevice(CTDeviceType deviceType)
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